
Can Kundalini Activation physically heal my body?

Kundalini Activation is not a substitute for medical or psychological attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. This process is mainly for spiritual growth and deepening in consciousness. However,  many students do report physical healings early on, after only one or a few sessions. But of course this is not guaranteed, nor is it the primary purpose of Kundalini Activation.

I have no previous experience with energy, can I still attend?

YES! Experienced or not, the best way to show up for a Kundalini Activation class is with a beginners mind. If you are sensitive to this energy it has nothing to do with experience, a Kundalini Activation session is given by a transmission, it is not a practise. All you have to do is to relax and have an open mind.

What happens after a class?

There is a whole range of things that may happen after a Kundalini Activation class, including the early to the later signs of kundalini awakening. The energy transmitted is an energy lineage that holds a wide range of frequencies beneficial for higher states of consciousness and spiritual growth in addition to the traditional kundalini signs/symptoms. In general, this process removes energetic blocks and connects you to your higher self/source. This process will look different for each individual. See this video for more information: Kundalini Activation 

Who should not do Kundalini Activation?

Kundalini Activation is not recommended for those prone to mania, delusion or psychosis. As this process will expand your capacity to feel you will have to be able to handle the emotional process in between sessions. If this is too difficult to handle on your own, we recommend you not to continue with the sessions.

I am pregnant, can I still attend a class?

If you are pregnant over 5 month we recommend you to wait until after birth to continue with the transmissions.

I am depressed/anxious, can I still attend a class?

Yes. Many students report that Kundalini Activation helped them with their anxiety/depression.